Sunday, February 10, 2013

農曆新年dialogues (2)

Dear a-Ion and all,

貴洋的客家三行詩寫得很好,那像只學作幾個月的人之作品,意境與環境的描寫清楚,幾乎無懈可擊,畢竟是a writer of different caliber, 三行詩,雖然是雕蟲小技,但是,真正能用客語寫出東西的還真不多,it could be the best way to make ourselves more expressive in Hakka language for the time being。昨夜,我到湖口張家祠堂,參加小英向湖口鄉親拜早年的聚餐,小英第一次用客家話致辭,效果很好,教她客家話的老師,就是我常提到的黃永達博士 (紐約大學的電腦博士),大學教授退休後,專門研究客家語文,多采多姿,演講、唱戲、朗誦詩歌、著書,樣樣都會,所以我常說,客語的文藝復興,或許要靠你們returned elites or retired professors,大家來加油。This is not a mission impossible, but a mission imperative for the Hakka elites or intellectuals !
Wishing all happy Lunar New Year,
All the best,
CS Lou (2/7/2013)
Dear 羅 先生 and All,
「見怪」?Me, not at all. Never! However, I am puzzled and confused by the saying, 「詩是讀者的感受為準,不一定是作者的感覺為主。」I know that it is the fact and makes all kind of sense. That is how the best seller reaches million more readers than the so-so one. Please continue to make corrections and offer your advice. I am always pleasing and acceptable.
I read 「恭賀農曆新年好」詩詞 three times. I am extremely pleased to know that 蔡 主席 has really improved her Hakka proficiency. Bravo! May I ask whether she spoke in 海陸 or 四縣? Just plain curiosity. I missed 「台灣舊曆年」a lot. I have not done it since 1968.

阿婆天井Chee(殺)雞鴨 (Is it a word, Chee? I probably missed it in the dictionary.)

年年拿到年年空  ( or 冇)
阿姆收去買纸筆  (or 阿姆留來缴學費 or 阿姆收轉等明年)




Yes, I missed Taiwan, my motherland very very very much. 
Just hope that 阿鎮、阿龍、阿掬、阿倫 can use 小英三枝火材﹝思考力、行動力、社會力﹞to match up (合共下) 後生 in Taiwan and 菁英﹝I would rather call myself, 漂流木 or 半桶水﹞from abroad. Sooner, better for Tai-3-Route. I did write a few 3-line-poems to express my views on 「浪漫台三線」when I extended further discussions on John Adams with both Thomas and Josephine more than a week ago. You did not see it, didn't you? I don't believe that I have received any corrections and suggestions on them. In very end of that e-mail, I said that
"Adopt your town long stay,
Give young and old what you know,
Make a difference and have your day."
Perhaps, this is the one and only one way to reach 鍾老 的 「發揚客家精神」and 「發揚台灣精神」.
Let's re-build the Spirit of Taiwan together not to disappoint our honorable elder Chung.

Viva, Republic of Taiwan!

Zon Gui Ion (2/8/2013)
Dear Big Ben:

Happy Lunar New Year!
Great poems! Very well put and so touching to our hearts as we share very similar memories.
No need to worry about the right word. Use pinyin to fill it for now... I believe while commonly accepted, the proper words will be popularly recognized and accepted. Not to be trapped by finding the word, and I treasure reading your thought and content in your poems.
I have long passed on telling other people what should be done for Hakka or for Taiwan -
Actually, every one can say well but it won't make any difference. Just like you are writing your Hakka 3 line Poems... The action counts.
In any goal listed on HAPA mission statement- simply adopt some project, no matter big or small, just carry out by oneself...gradually, it will create the momentum and merged with community's involvement. We can do it from our own daily life activity, within our own circle... That is exactly we should learn from Brother Lou- he seldom asks what others should do, yet he will not quit his own belief and he insists his visionary project. This might give Lady Tsai's 三枝火柴- 思考力、行動力、社會力, a full explanation and a good example.
No big dream, simply define what oneself can do for Taiwan, and our Taiwan will eventually be a better one.

All good things.

Thomas 2/9/2013
Dear a-Ion,
Nice poems to remind us of the old happy and familiar days of memory.  族群就是記憶体, keep on writing poems in Hakka for record and for our coming generations as a life history.
Yes, Lady Tsai spoke in Hakka 縣腔, perhaps because Dr. Von is a native of FukouYangmei and Hualien as he used to introduce himself in this way.
Happy Lunar New Year of the year of Snake.
We are going to worship Gods in Township temple and our family temple with family.
All the best to you and all,
CS Lou (2/9/2013)


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