(Mr. CS Lou is invited to deliver the following note at 330 Hakka Gathering, 3/30/2013 @Kuanshi, Hsinchu)
今天我非常高興,非常感謝大家能在百忙中,撥出寶貴的時間,專程來參加今天的客語座談會,「有來聊正有相惜」,這是我在人生中感受很深的一句話,謝謝大家的光臨。日語也有一句話說,「旅は道連れ」,翻成客語是說,「旅行有伴正生趣」,真的,在人生的旅途中,無論你在作什麼,有伴有志同道合的人相隨,是很好很有意義的事。 言歸正題,現在讓我向大家報告一下,臺灣客家啟蒙運動的緣起,我們為何要推動臺灣客家啟蒙運動。
記得,北美台灣客家事務協會 (Taiwan Hakka
Association For Public Affairs In North America簡稱HAPA
NA)前任會長李常吉教授 (醫師) 一行,於在2010年3月23日,在關西本公司會議室,舉辦回國第一次「客語座談會」,由許正龍潘掬慧夫妻以L.A. Hakka Toastmasters Meeting方式,主持客語座談會;迄今,已滿三年多了, 此間,許正龍夫妻曾以類似方式,回臺辦過四次客語座談會,其中有一次在高雄開,有一次是為關心總統大選而開。
我們都知道,旅居美國的客家精英,都是學有專長,事業有成的知識份子,有教授、醫生、律師、企業家等等,各行精英,人才濟濟,他(她)們對臺灣,或者,對客家事務的見解與建議,彌足珍貴,非常值得各位鄉親來分享。 這幾年來,大家所提出的意見、論說、見解,乃至,就事論事的三行詩,都存檔在洛杉磯的網站上,形成類似所謂的Open
Source理念,資訊共管,共同分享,以資提升共同認知與認同,促成對臺灣社會與國家的共識和認同感。 尤其,去年臺灣總統大選時,有不少旅美客家精英,回國觀察選舉,或,回來投票支持心儀的候選人。
然而,對小英在選情相當樂觀的情況下,最後仍然敗陣下來,感覺十分驚訝與無奈,但雖敗猶榮。 大家都認為,在臺灣,新思維、新觀念的推廣與普及化,刻不容緩,這就是臺灣客家啟蒙運動 (Enlightenment
movement) 的緣起。
提升自己的認識、思想、理念。 二) 對外表明自己的理念,尋求認同。三)
建立社會、族群、國人的共識與認同感, 四) 以理性的新思維,挑戰陳腐落伍的舊觀念,用以建立更進步的國家與社會。五)
客語諺語說,「凡事愛會想,想較真兜,想較遠兜,想較開兜,天下就無難事 」。
這種趨勢,迄今,不只沒有改善,甚至,有變本加厲的傾向。 最近有不少HAPA-NA的鄉親 (如,張貴洋教授、陳秋鴻醫師等),都極力提倡臺灣客家族群的啟蒙運動 (enlightenment
movement),期望能早日提升與革新,客家族群的思維與理念。 更希望客家啟蒙運動的推展,能像17-18世紀時代的歐洲社會,靠著啟蒙運動的推廣,擺脫陳舊而不合理的傳統思想,或者,從宗教上的束縛與偏頗獲得解放,邁進了新時代。 以新理念、新制度,迎接現代化的民主政治,產業革命,政教分離,代議制度,三權分立,司法正義等,新時代的來臨。
NA成員,之所以要積極推動啟蒙運動的原因,亦在此。 目前,初步的推展啟蒙運動的構想,有下列幾個方向:
一) 推廣各鄉鎮社區 Hakka Toastmasters Meeting 客語座談會,傳承母語,學習開會議事之程序,磨練組織、分工、民主法治的基本理念;同時積極鼓勵年輕人參與啟蒙運動,以年青人的學識與新思維,率先打破陳腐的舊觀念。
二) 鼓勵年輕人多多去閱讀,客家先進老作家之作品。目前已有旅美精英,如前會長李常吉等人,表示願意提供獎助金給徵文優勝者,以資鼓勵年輕人的獨立思攷能力。初步規劃舉辦,吳濁流作品 (如無花果、臺灣連翹,亞細亞的孤兒等,) 的讀書心得徵文比賽。徵文辦法,將由臺灣客家事務協會公佈。
三) 推廣客語三行詩, 幫助年輕人學習客語,使人人會說會寫客家母語;人人能用客語,發出生活簡訊,人人能用客語三行詩的簡訊,達到short message services的傳訊效果。 例如,最近我們利用客語三行詩,來討論反核能電廠等問題,效果良好。對三行詩有興趣者,請跟我連絡: cslou@ms15.hinet.net。
四) 希望以群策群力的方式,推動臺三線願景的規劃與營造,包括整體與區域客家村莊的相關規劃、產業經濟與鄉村住宅區的配合規劃等。 我認為,積極規劃改善臺三線沿線客家鄉村之居家、就業、生活環境,以配合當地觀光事業之發展,乃是當務之急。
五) 我非常希望,住在臺三線沿線各地的客家鄉親,能盡量提供智慧與資源,大家共同來打造美好的臺灣客家文化生活圈。同時,我們希望客家族群的啟蒙運動,能從每位客家鄉親本身開始,進而使客家族群的思維啟蒙運動,能蓬勃發展起來,新思維將為臺灣帶來出頭天! 歡迎大家的支持與指教。
[ English version ]
origin of Taiwan Hakka Enlightenment Movement
everyone, nice to meet most of you at this time of the year for the 4th
time since March 23, 2010, and I thank you so much for taking time out of your
busy schedule to join us today. As an
old Hakka saying goes, 「有來聊正有相惜」 “Friends come to
see each other is to care for each other as a matter of course.” There is also a Japanese proverb「旅は道連れ」saying, it is
nice to have friends around when traveling through this journey of life. Yes, it is really significant and interesting
to have like-minded friends and comrades together to involve in an ambitious
works and projects in your journey of life.
Now, let me report
on the brief history of the origin of Taiwan Hakka Enlightenment Movement
dating back to the Hakka Toastmaster Meeting held here in Kuanshi on the 23rd
of March, 2010, which was joined by a group of Taiwanese American in accompany with
the then President of HAPA NA, Dr. Chanchi Lee and the local Hakka opinion
leaders from Kuanshi areas. The first Hakka Toastmaster Meeting held at Kuanshi
was carried out by Thomas Shu and Josephine Pan, the couple from Los Angeles in
accordance with their Los Angeles Toastmaster meeting rules. Since 2010, Mr.
and Mrs. Hsu have hosted four Hakka Toastmaster Meetings in similar way in
Taiwan, including once in Kaoshung and once for the presidential election
campaign rally.
As a
matter of fact, since 2010, HAPA NA members from Tao-Chu-Miao areas of Taiwan
make it a rule to hold a Hakka Toastmaster Meeting every year in Taiwan to keep
in touch with local Hakka opinion leaders for first hand information exchanges
and for the discussion of the some other interested issues on hand. They have
been ever since managing to keep each other well posted with e-mails and Hakka
3lines poems to understand in time the current situations of Taiwan and the
Hakka affairs in their hometown in Taoyuan, Hsinchu and Miaoli areas.
We all
know that these Hakka elites in the states come from all walks of life with
successful professions and life experiences including professors, doctors,
lawyers, entrepreneurs and etc,. They have a lot of unique viewpoints and
opinions about Taiwan politics and Hakka affairs in particular, to share with
us in Taiwan.
In these
years, all those valuable opinions, statements, and essays as well as the Hakka
3lines poems representative of the daily life of the Hakka at home and abroad
have been posted on the blog’s databases in our L.A. website based on the new
conception of ‘Open Source’ basis to store ‘the intellectual properties’
together and to share the properties with friends together; so as to building
up Taiwan consensus as well as national identity. In the year 2012, many Taiwanese American,
who have the right to vote for the presidential election of 2012, came back
Taiwan to cast their ‘holy’ vote for the presidential candidate they preferred,
a few of them for the KMT candidate, most of them for DPP’s Lady Tsai. They had
the chance to observe the democracy of Taiwan in person with optimistic
expectation in favor of Lady Tsai.
However, the result of the election badly betrayed their optimistic expectation
for Lady Tsai’s victory over KMT’s candidate. They were shocked to realize the
urgent need for the enforcement of Taiwan Hakka Enlightenment Movement in
Taiwan as soon as possible. To minimize the ideological division in Taiwan, we
need new way of thinking, new knowledge of democratic systems and societies and
the rule of law in Taiwan politics. In
short, this is why and how the Taiwan Hakka Enlightenment Movement started in
I would like to
stress here the meaning of “enlightenment” in particular to include; a) Enhance your knowledge, thoughts, ideals and
philosophy at any time.
b) Express your
opinions and seek other’s recognition for consensus building.
c) Reaching a
consensus for common identity in Taiwanese societies.
d) Seeking rational new way of
thinking and knowledge to replace the obsolete knowledge, thought and way of
thinking for a new national society of a sovereign nation.
e) There is an old Hakka saying. “Nothing
is impossible if you take everything seriously by thinking practically,
thinking big and long enough for a settlement
and caring less in short term
benefits and more on the long run results.”
back at Taiwan in the past 400 years, there were 6 to 7 foreign invasions,
which either ruled or occupied Taiwan for a certain period of time. Those
regimes not only exploited the human right of the Taiwanese
people, the freedom of thinking, freedom of speech as well as the natural
resources of Taiwan, but also prevented Taiwanese people from thinking big with
a new perspective as a national democratic societies.
The situations here in Taiwan have been deteriorating at a
rapid speed in these years. Recently we
have seen more and more HAPA NA members (including Professor Chang Kei-ion and
Doctor Dennis Chen) calling for the Taiwan Hakka Enlightenment Movement in
hopes of enhancing and updating the mentality and conception of the Hakka
people in Taiwan, as such as the Enlightenment Movement happened in the 18th
century of Europe. We all hope this enlightenment movement will help us, like
that of Europe in the 18th century, to get rid of the obsolete
knowledge and way of thinking, to liberate us from superstitious religious
dogmas and prejudice, as well as to lead us to a new era of democracy and the
rule of law with new political and judicial systems and philosophy.
For many
years in a row, Taiwan has been going downhill in the economic growth index,
international competitiveness, and Gross National Happiness index. This a sharp
contrast to when we were leading the “Asian Four Dragons” back in 1980s and
1990s. There is an urgent need to seek a solution to this problem. This is why
the HAPA NA members are working so hard to push for the Enlightenment Movement.
So far, we have thought of a few ways to get it moving
straight forward;
Promote Hakka Toastmaster Meetings across the country
in the urban areas as well as in the rural areas. This is a Hakka language meeting where people
can learn their mother tongue, the citizenship meeting procedures, the
organizational skills and leadership mentality as well as the basic philosophy
of democracy. They will also encourage young people to join the enlightenment
movement, so as to get rid of any obsolete ideas and way of thinking with new
modern knowledge and rational way of thinking.
Encourage younger people to read the classic masterpieces
of famous Hakka writers. So far, some HAPA NA members including former
President Doctor Lee
Chanchi, have been willing to
offer prize money for the Reading (impression) Report Contest. The first tentative
plan selects the masterpieces of Wu Zhouliu (e.g. “The Fig Tree – Memoirs of a
Taiwanese Patriot” “Formosan Weeping Forsythia” and “Orphan of Asia”). The
details of the contest will be announced by HAPA NA in a month or two.
To promote Hakka 3line poems to facilitate younger
Hakka generations to learn
how to speak and write in their
Hakka mother tongue. They can use 5-7-7 format Hakka 3line poems as a short
text message for SMS, short message services.
For instance, we recently used Hakka 3line poems to discuss the issue of
anti-nuclear plants, which was regarded quite a success by the public at large.
For those who might be interested in Hakka 3line poems, may contact me by
emailing to Thomas Shu [abctea@gmail.com] or
csloy@ms15.hinet.net for further
We earnestly hope to work together with
joint-efforts to push for the planning and construction of “The Tai-3-Route Vision”.
This includes the overall and regional planning of Hakka villages and
the comprehensive planning of industrial economic zone and the residential
village areas. I think there is an
urgent need now to improve the employment issue and the quality of life in
Hakka villages along the Tai-3-Route, for the promotion of tourism industry of
Hakka districts villages in Taoyuen, Hsinchu and Miaoli areas.
It is my most sincere hope that the Hakka
villagers living along the Tai-3-Route will combine their wisdom, resources and
efforts together for the development of a better Taiwan Hakka Cultural Life
center in Taiwan. I trust it will not
only boost the quality of Hakka livelihood, but also make Taiwan more attractive
to the international tourists for the promotion of Taiwan’s tourism industry.
God save Taiwan and bless the
Taiwanese people..
By CS Lou 3/30/2013
[ Japanese Version ]
先ず、私達は何故、台湾客家啓蒙運動の喚起と発動に至った経緯をご紹介致します。 2010年3月 23日, 北美台湾客家事務協会 (Taiwan Hakka Association for Public Affairs in North
America) HAPA NAの前会長李常吉教授等の一行が関西の台湾紅茶公司の会議室にて、台湾での第一回の「客家語座談会」を許正龍・潘掬慧夫妻の司会の下で、Los AngelesのHakka Toastmaster Meeting方式に基いて開催致しました。それから、今年で満三年になりました。この間に、許氏夫妻はこの様な客家語座談会を台湾で5回ほど開催致しました;関西鎮以外には、高雄で一回、総統選挙の際にも一回行っています。 事実上、三年この方、新竹地方出身のHAPA NAの会員達は、帰国の機会がある度に、毎年当地で開かれている「客家語座談会」には必ず参加して、現地の人達と、政局や客家事情に就いて会談したり、又は、客家三行詩を書いてtext
皆様のご存知のように、アメリカに在住している客家系のエリート達は皆教養が高く、専門知識に富んだ教授・医師・弁護士・又は企業家ばかりです。 その人達の台湾や客家事情に対する見解や建議は、大変貴重な参考価値のある資料かと思います。特に、近年はそれ等の意見・論説・論文、又はその考え方を客家三行詩にした詩作等を、blogの databaseに納めてLos AngelesのWebsiteにてOpen Sourceの理念に基き、共同保存しています。この様に情報の共同管理・共同享用することにより、台湾社会や国家にたいするConsensusや Identity を高めることが出来るものと、皆さん確信しています。現在Los Angelesにある二つのdatabaseは「客家論壇」と「客家三行詩」別別に設けて有ります。
過去400年来の台湾歴史を振り返って見ますと、実に感無量です、外来政権の侵入は6-7回程もあり、台湾人の権益の剥奪のみならず、思想の自由や、将来への憧れ、又は発展理想の構築にも大きく影響して来ました。この様な傾向は今尚変わらず、寧ろ、悪化の一途を辿って来ていますので、在住アメリカHAPA NAの客家系エリート達は懸念を募らせています。特に、新竹地区出身のHAPA NA会員達 (張貴洋教授・陳秋鴻医師等)は極力台湾客家啓蒙運動の発動を真剣に呼びかけて来ました。
願わくば、台湾でも早急に17-18世紀の欧洲社会のように、啓蒙運動の提唱により、陳腐した不合理な伝統的な観念から脱皮し、又は宗教上の束縛からも解放され、新しい理念・新しい制度の下で、現代化した民主政治を確立させ、産業革命・政教分離・代議制度・三権分立・司法独立等の新時代に辿り着き、現代欧洲国家社会を築いて来ました。 台湾にも一日も早く台湾客家啓蒙運動を先頭に、新時代・新国家の実現を心より祝福致したく思います。
National Happiness Index)等など、共に年年減少の兆しが浮上してきました。台湾は過去に於いて、アジヤのFour Dragonsの筆頭Dragonであった時代とは雲泥の差があります。台湾客家啓蒙運動の発足は一刻も早く軌道に乗せなければならないと、HAPA NA会員の皆様は頑張って居ます。目下、台湾客家啓蒙運動の遂行方針と発展構想は下記の段取りで進めています:
Toastmaster Meeting)を普遍的に、定期的に行い、客家語の学習及び傳承を促し、民主政治の基本理念を普及させ、若い世代の参加を呼びかけ、青年層の新観念と学識をテコにして、陳腐した旧観念思想から脱皮して、新社会を創る。
message servicesにも活用出来るように努力して、地域社会の繁栄と融合に寄与できるものと信じている次第です。客家三行詩に興味のある方はロスのThomas Hsu又は台湾の CS Louとご連絡くださいませ。Thomas Shu [abctea@gmail.com] 又は
CS Lou [cslou@ms15.hinet.net] にe-mailしてくださいませ。
五)台3線沿線各地の客家集落が一致団結して、お互いに知恵と資源を出し合い、共存共栄をモットーに、台湾客家文化生活圏の創設に成功するよう心より祝福致したく存じます。それと同時に、客家集落の思想上の啓蒙運動は、台湾客家人である一人一人自身から発動し、普及させて、新思想による新台湾の発展を皆様と一致団結して遂行致したく思っています。宜しくお願い申し上げます。 以上。
羅慶士 敬具 2013/03/30
Well written